Thursday, December 5, 2013

Last thoughts on Nepal

We really liked Nepal. Kathmandu was a bit crazy, although we were ready. New Delhi might be a different story, so we’ll save that city for another day! In Kathmandu, we felt like we were in video game as the taxi drove down the street, dodging cows, scooters, buses and other cars, while honking almost continuously. Yet, it worked. The bargaining we had to do in the stores was sometimes fun, sometimes frustrating, depending on our mood. The rotating blackouts did not affect us too much since there were generators - electricity is limited in Kathmandu so different areas go out at different times per the schedule and generators must kick on, if they have them or candles are used, if not. When we went to the airport, there was no power in the area yet many shops were still open and dimly lit. The airport itself is the most chaotic one I’ve ever been in!

Dinner times have been shifting depending on which country we’ve been in. Nepal seems to be an early dinner (6pm) kind of place…with a lot of restaurants closing by 9:30pm.

Mike left his small backpack on our flight from Kathmandu to Lukla and the small plane took off before he could get it back. Our group had breakfast and by the time we were done, the plane was back and backpack was returned! Anytime we left a tea lodge during our hike, members of the group would check to make sure Mike hadn't forgotten anything. :) Luckily, he's still got his sunglasses, camera and backpack...

There is a lot more to do in Nepal (hiking the Annapurna circuit, Chitwan National Park are some examples) so we need to come back. We also need to clear our lungs first! Kathmandu has a lot of pollution.

Mike is trying our his golf swing at the driving range. Markus - we need your help!
Monkeys on the golf course 
Monkeys everywhere!
Crazy Kathmandu airport
Men are separated from women when going through security. Hard to tell, but the women's line is on the right and that's me in much shorter than the men's line so maybe women do not travel as much?

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