Monday, June 15, 2015

The Arrival!

She's here!! :) Vanessa Liane Neufeld was born at 11:17pm on Tuesday, June 2nd, which also happens to be the same day her nephew Tyler was born (6 years earlier). I still wonder how much longer she would have taken had I not been induced!

After receiving one dose of cervidil on the Monday morning, I was asked to return to the hospital that night for a second dose. After each dose, they monitored my vitals as well as the baby's. I was starting to feel a bit of pain but still not regular contractions, so we returned home after midnight. Mike and I tried to sleep but the contractions started coming on stronger and waking me up...then my water broke and so back to the hospital we went and checked in around 5:30 am.  I had another huge gush as they wheeled me up to maternity so we definitely made an entrance! Yipee!

The next round of induction was the iv oxytocin. I didn't have a birth plan and felt prepared to try anything, should the need arise. I had visions of labouring in the bathtubs that St. Paul's has (they even have jets!) but didn't realize that was a no-go - after your water breaks and also when you're on iv oxytocin, you can't do this. Supposedly the contractions are even stronger when you induce with oxytocin but as I have nothing to compare it to... who's to say? All I know is that that pain was like nothing else I've ever felt! Whoa mama! Yep, I screamed a lot and finally asked for the epidural, which was a good thing considering she wasn't born until later that night.

The epidural made things a lot better, although it kept wearing off and having to be topped the time I got to the pushing stage, I didn't take the drug top-up so that I would know when/how to push (a process that took over 2 hours!). Mike said it looked impossible and he wasn't sure how she was going to fit and come out. Up until the last minute, the team was ready to do an episiotomy and a c-section had even been considered during the afternoon when her heart rate kept accelerating.  We were all in a bit of a daze... I was vomiting, Mike had turned off his GoPro temporarily since he was worried it would run out of space and I must've have pushed like 50 times. Monika was there as part of the M&M team to assist and I really couldn't have done it without those two! :) It's still a bit of a blur although the GoPro got turned back on at the end (it's PG rated as it was filming from my head) so at least I can relive the moment through the footage.

And finally, when I didn't think I could go on any longer, out she came! My 9 lb 1 oz Nessie. :)

Shocking how big this placenta is! Hope you're not eating. ;) 
These two were lurking outside the curtain, haha.
Still can't believe her size. She was 11 days past my due date and perhaps all those gelatos I ate during the last few days contributed! 
Perfect :)
Nap time
Having a snuggle with Nanny.
And with Uncle Geoff.
Whoa. First diaper change. Mike and I looked at each other in disbelief. Geoff started filming.
After something like that occurs, one must take a bath!
Meeting Auntie Theresa!

Auntie Monika and Auntie Hedy snuck in some sparkling wine too!!


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