Friday, February 5, 2016

Aloha cont'd...

Now that we've got the south covered, let's head north and check it out! Note: Driving with an 8 month old is not the same as a 2 month old...trips in the car should be limited to short distances. Luckily, nothing is too far away on this island!

Checking out Ke'e beach at the end of the road. 
Little wind in the hair never hurt anyone! 

The next day, we drove back and did the first 0.5 mile of the famous Kalalau trail (11 miles one way but not really suitable for baby past the beginning part). 

We discovered that V loves hiking (but car rides, not so much). 

Relaxin' on the beach is a thing of the past...this moment lasted for like 30 seconds, haha.

Time to learn how to walk! 
Another beautiful beach...Secret beach...which we enjoyed until...

We almost got washed away! Tide came in so quickly that all of our stuff got drenched. Good thing I was holding V at the time.
Mike went exploring while we napped.

We were dreading the last day a bit since we had to check out at 10am and our flight wasn't until 10:30pm...what to do with a baby all day who needs her naps...until we discovered this nanny service in the St. Regis hotel. Score! Dropped her off and Mike and I went down to the beach on our own. Amazing!!!!  
We might have even popped into the spa...hehehehe.

Picked her up and stopped by one last waterfall on our way to the airport. Kauai, we're coming back!!!

Living the aloha life in Kauai

Aloha. That word conjures up images of beach, mai tais and sunny skies for me and Kauai wasn't far off. What an amazing island! I think this takes first place for my favourite Hawaiian island since there is so much to do and some incredible scenery to boot. We stayed in the south (by Poipu Beach and Baby beach) for the first few nights and then moved up north to Princeville for the second half of the trip and I loved both spots. The south is a bit more desert like while the north is more lush and tropical feeling (it does rain more but it's a warm rain). Dreaming of the next trip back already...

We're ready for this plane ride. Got my soother clipped on just in case I squawk! 
Ah yes, this is the life. Not sure who dressed Vanessa today (this is as bad as socks and sandals!). Okay, it was me. 
Look who we found!

No afternoon nap here...think you can fool me by putting me in my sleep sack?
Little pool time

Roosters were everywhere!!

Hike in Waimea Canyon...beautiful place!

Mike needs some toys at the restaurant. Can dress him up and can take him out!

Got our drinks for the beach!

Playing so nicely in the sand...until...
Oh please don't eat the sand! Crying ensued.

Let me tell you the specials!

Walk by Poipu Beach