Thursday, February 5, 2015

California coast - Part 1 (our last trip before baby!)

Wow. It feels like it's been a while since our world travels and I guess it has! While we have done some short trips close to Vancouver, we decided that we wanted one last (childless) trip a bit further California coast it was! We flew into LA, rented some gas consuming crappy car (Mike shuddered and spent half the trip pointing out every Tesla we passed), and drove up the coast, stopping in Big Sur, Pacific Grove and finally San Fran. But just because we'll have a little one soon doesn't mean we'll stop this travelling frenzy... does it?

A word of advice: don't tell the customs agent that the purpose of your trip is "baby." Answers such as "vacation, visit with friends, etc." will suffice. 

Reunited with Dr. Lin, who gave us a dashing tour of Pasadena and introduced me to some sumptuous frozen yogurt. Wish I could have more. Really wish I could have some now actually.
Driving up the coast, we stayed in a converted airstream in Cayucos for a night, courtesy of airbnb. Fun!

A requirement of mine
Mike had fun playing with the viewmaster.

It was pretty windy out but Mr. Neufeld decided to brave the outdoor shower. I just took photos and refrained, opting for a "camping look" instead.

Not a bad view for breakfast. 
Continuing on, we stopped at a beach on our drive up the coast and encountered a few of these creatures. Cindy, "Wow, I don't feel like I look super big in this photo." Mike, "That's because you're standing next to an elephant seal." Aha! 

I could live here.
Time for a hike!

The man is cooking us some wienies. 

Bixby Bridge (supposedly in a lot of car commercials)

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