Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2 months and counting!

Wow, time really flies! I meant to write a post for Nessie's 2 month birthday (not that we had a major celebration or anything but I missed the 1 month milestone so I thought 2 months would be a good start) and then it just passed right by. Life has sure been busy... we've been learning lots about this little person and are figuring out new things out every day. I never knew a baby could poop so much! The OBGYN told me that it's normal for a baby to poop anywhere from once per week to seven times per day and I hate to say it, but we're on the 5-6 per day track ourselves. Well she is. I hate to think about how much waste she's producing.

In other news, I also bought a dental practice with Monika during this time so perhaps that's why life is just so crazy! Never a dull moment. Boy, I am hitting every cliche with this post.

Well, never ones to sit still, we are leaving on a jet plane again soon and are taking this baby to Iceland! Ice, ice, baby!

On the deck enjoying the view...only Mommy and Daddy have me facing the wrong way! Do they think I want to see their faces?
Another night on the deck...another night of no view! Wtf?
Ready to roll!
Ready for travelling!

Taking a nap together

Meeting Nana O
Meeting her 2nd cousin Myra

Hanging out with Great Gramma and Grampa

Do you really have to clean in between my toes? It tickles!

Being nice and quiet (Richard and Laura's wedding ceremony)
Nanny's accessory

Who knows what weird filter was applied here, haha.
Wienies never tasted so good! Yummers!
Showing Dr. Low how I rock tummy time!
Hi Auntie Monika!
My mommy doesn't know how to take photos so it's blurry...just saying hi to Markus! 

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