Sunday, June 8, 2014

Part II with the wild Winklmeiers

Digesting paella faces
He either fell over from eating too much paella or because that camera equipment he carried everywhere was getting too heavy. Methinks it was the latter.

Quite a scene at Barcelona's beaches! I'm trying to avoid having an accident.

While I took yet another pee pee stop, this scene unfolded. Living on the edge? 
Cool idea for a gas station. If you run out, I guess you should stop on the road and fill up?

Time to eat again. We've done enough exercise for now, right? 
Market the next day
I really wanted to take one of those jamóns home. 
aka rabbits
Can I get the recipe?
We hiked up to the Monjuic Castle.
But took the gondola down. 
Got it.
Our spacious apartment! Mike seemed to enjoy sliding down the hallway in his socks. 
A very yummy dinner cooked by Violetta (with all of the stuff we bought at the market that morning). Wow! Theresa came and joined us. I poured vino.
We met up for one last dinner the next night at La Flauta. Awesome food! He still can't put that camera down though. :) 
Ok, he finally set it down momentarily.

Their signature dish - saucy potatoes with a raw egg cracked over top and mixed in. 

Why did the tables beside us keep leaving? We saw 3 couples come and go! I swear we weren't that loud...


  1. LOL the camera equipment, too much paella? No mention of Violetta assaulting me on the street and pushing me down in a paella fuelled rage? Come on! You saw it with your own two eyes!! hahaha

    1. I have no recollection of the aforementioned incident.

    2. Like hell you don't!! LOL
