Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sevilla, Spain

Seville (or Sevilla, as locals say) is a great place to spend a few days. I love the architecture and the tapas were delicious (food has steadily improved since the beginning of our time in Spain).
Kept waiting for him to spread them but it just never happened.
Sevilla's version of the Alhambra (actually called the Alcazar). I actually liked it better but that might be because I wasn't listening to a guide's random cell phone conversation this time.

Gold on the ceiling? 

View of the city after climbing the tower in the Cathedral. I also got to see Christopher Columbus' grave in the Cathedral (I suppose they could tell me anything and I'd believe it though).
Random structure called the Metropol Parasol but usually referred to as the Mushroom.
Just checking out the merchandise... I would never actually be caught buying anything in here. Obviously...
Delicious burger that was super raw (but tasty) on the inside. Now how to get your mouth around that? I suppose presentation is more important than ease of eating.
I can't believe this coffee addict. He's now on to café con leche in this country.
Random procession through the street.
Or parade? I will never know.
Theresa and I were wondering if Romeo was down below.
Still watching the random parade. This was the view from our apartment so we were square in the action. I got re-acquainted with my earplugs.

Our favourite tapas/bar (Ovejas Negras) in Sevilla. So good we went twice during our short stay. It was just before 9pm and pretty empty... 
Sí, I have a bit of a beef tartare addiction.
I swear, this was the scene only a few minutes later. 
Cathedral at night
Another random procession through the street. Don't think this one was a parade.
Time to fly to Barcelona for our last stop! We went to get our car from the parkade (we'd left it there for a couple of days) and discovered this! No note or anything. :( Bummer. 

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