Monday, June 9, 2014

The End

It feels kind of surreal that our long-awaited year of travel is over! I'm sure it won't be the last of our travels -- if we've learned anything, it's probably that the more of the world you see, the more you realize how much more there is to see. For the time being, we'll be getting back to normal life and doing occasional smaller trips closer to home.

We loved the feeling of freedom we got from heading somewhere far away, without knowing exactly where we'd be going next. It's kind of jarring to be able to reach so many places so quickly, with short flights bridging drastically different cultures, histories, and standards of living. I felt that I'd suddenly surged ahead in time when we flew from Tanzania to Amsterdam, yet the surge only took a few hours. Or when we travelled from Tibet to Nepal. While Nepal is by no means a first world country, it has restaurants with different cuisines, an array of accommodation and hot water. It felt luxurious in comparison.

We learned a lot over the past year, and we have more learning to come as we try to revisit in our minds some of the places we've seen and properly absorb more of the history behind them (the 10,000 pictures Mike took will also help!). We've enjoyed sharing our experiences with you, and hopefully we've inspired you to explore somewhere new.

Thanks for reading.

The End
(for now)

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